I Reviewed a book

Recently I was approached by PacktPub publishing house to review a book named Designing Purpose-Built Drones for Ardupilot Pixhawk 2.1. I was very happy to contribute since I've worked on couple of different projects involving ArduinoPilot PixHawk open sourced smart flight controller and being building drones for quite sometime now.

The book was completed and released in December 2017 and I received it last week, It came out really well, the author Ty Audronis really put in lot of efforts and knowledge to make this book possible. Lastly thank you to Shweta, from PackPub for giving me this opportunity and co-reviewer of this book Ersin Gonul to offload me wherever required :)

I highly recommend this book to everyone looking to build application based drones, not only flying machine with Big propellers but also a follow me golf cart, an RC autonomous car or a duck drone. It is available on amazon to buy. Amazon Link

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