So it was my parent’s silver jubilee anniversary, we decided to throw a party, I was gonna wear a casual suit but what’s fun in that if it’s not screaming that I’m a fucki*g maker xD
Wearable electronics has always been a niche closest to my heart, more closer are LEDs. Some wild ideas included having two neopixel LEDs on my cufflinks but since WS82xx LEDs needs microcontroller to function, it would be a lot of hassle to carry 2x controller boards, power sources and the LEDs itself. I quickly went thru my LED drawer and found a set of blue LED sequins lying there which I bought about an year or so back. LED sequins by adafruit is a wearable form factor PCB carrying a small SMD led, the PCB has holes to run and sew it on fabrics using conductive thread.
The idea was to sew 5 of these LEDs on my jacket’s front pocket border, next step to figure was the power source, I don’t want a LiPo cell hanging on my chest so decided to go with a coin cell with sewable holder which will stay hidden beneath the collar. I remember powering upto 5 LEDs in parallel using just one 3v CR2032 coin cell in an old project but that was when I was using copper wire and solder, since the resistance of conductive thread is relatively higher one cell was not enough to fully power the LEDs so I had to put 2 coin cells using holder shown below.
2x coin cell battery pack
Mark the place to place LEDs
Sew Sew Sew
And time to flex … xD